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As the world increasingly prioritises environmental sustainability, the care sector is expected to follow suit. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has updated its assessment framework to include strict standards for environmental sustainability. This change highlights the need for sustainable practices in care settings, ensuring that providers deliver high-quality care while also supporting a healthier planet.

Read on to learn what this emphasis on sustainability means for care providers and how our care quality consultants can help.

What does this mean for care providers?

The new CQC assessment framework emphasises several key environmental sustainability practices that care providers must adopt:

  • Understanding climate change

Staff and leaders must recognise that climate change is a serious threat to the health of service users, their staff and the wider community.

  • Empowering staff

Leaders should equip staff with the knowledge of sustainable healthcare practices and encourage them to actively reduce the environmental impact of care activities.

  • Shared goals for low carbon care

Promoting a shared commitment to delivering preventative, high-quality, low-carbon care can lead to significant health benefits. For example, reducing air pollution can lower rates of coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.

  • Developing green plans

It’s essential for staff and leaders to create Green Plans and implement practical strategies for low carbon operations. This includes promoting energy efficiency and using renewable energy sources whenever possible.

  • Embedding net zero principles

Care providers need to integrate net zero principles into their planning and service delivery. Low carbon care should focus on resource efficiency and ensure that care is provided in the right place at the right time.

The role of our care quality consultants

Meeting the new sustainability standards can be challenging, but our team of expert care quality consultants is here to help. We provide comprehensive support to ensure your care facility not only meets but exceeds the CQC’s environmental sustainability requirements.

How we can help

At our care consultancy, we offer dedicated support to help your organisation meet the new CQC sustainability standards. There are several ways we can assist you.

  1. Quality and compliance support – We help you understand care quality and compliance, ensuring your services meet regulatory requirements.
  2. Tailored training programs – Our consultants provide customised training for your staff, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to implement sustainable practices effectively.
  3. Expert guidance – We offer expert advice on best practices in care quality, helping you improve operational efficiency and service delivery.
  4. Continuous improvement – Our ongoing support keeps your organisation focused on continuous improvement, integrating sustainability into your care practices.
  5. Strategic planning – We assist you in developing strategic plans that align with CQC expectations and your organisational goals, ensuring a comprehensive approach to sustainability.

By partnering with us, you can confidently address the new sustainability requirements while enhancing the quality of care for your residents.

Get in touch 

The inclusion of environmental sustainability in the CQC assessment framework marks an important step towards a greener future for the care sector. As care providers, embracing these changes is essential for regulatory compliance, operational efficiency and overall quality of care. Our care quality consultants are dedicated to helping you achieve these goals, ensuring that your facility is environmentally responsible and highly rated.

We encourage you to contact us or give us a call at 01704 808164 to learn more about how we can support your journey towards sustainability and high-quality care.