Our Services

Why Kata Care Solutions?

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We have great relationships with regulatory bodies in the uk

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We can provide full reviews of your service

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We develop, prepare and implement turnaround plans for fast results

Whether you want to transform a service or the entire business, we’re here for you. Turnaround and crisis management can help to rescue organisations from the threat of closure, boost CQC ratings, and help you navigate challenging times.

We can provide a consultant for a couple of days a week or a whole team for as long as you need them.

Two People Smiling

Turnaround management is flexible and will help you put structured plans in place to succeed.

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Highly Skilled

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Long Or

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Compliant And Vetted By Kata Care Solutions

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Fast And

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Experts Matched
To Your Unique

Kata Care Solutions in action

Fast turnaround management
for care providers

cheerful young asian businesswoman using laptop
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A care home left without management – turning back from the brink

When a 40-bed care home in West Yorkshire found itself on the brink of disaster, Kata Care Solutions stepped in. After a recent CQC inspection, the home had received a poor rating. It also had several ongoing safeguarding cases, and unable to face the pressure, the registered manager left without notice.

At Kata Care Solutions, we don’t shy away from a challenge. We knew that those 40 residents and their carers needed urgent support. We took a detailed assessment to understand the problems the home was facing, and turned to our network of experienced experts to find the perfect match.

Just 48 hours later, we placed an interim manager at the home with the right skills and experience to turn things around. Over the next two months, they worked hard to rebuild relationships with the local authorities and created a robust action plan. With this in place, the care home reduced its reliance on agency staff, and is now in a steady position to work on improving its rating.

senior couple consulting with healthcare worker about their insurance policy while having meeting clinic
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From ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good’ with a mock inspection

When you know you’re due for a CQC inspection, living with the uncertainty of not knowing how you’ll rank can be incredibly stressful. One homecare provider had been rated as ‘requires improvement’ at their last inspection.
The team had taken major steps to improve the quality of care, but didn’t know if they’d done enough.

We sent a mock CQC inspector who spent two days carrying out a full service audit. They put together a report and action plan, recognising where services were better and identifying areas that could still be improved.

Knowing that the next real inspection was imminent, we provided support under tight timelines to make the improvements outlined in our report. Following the real inspection, the homecare provider was thrilled to achieve a ‘good’ overall rating and confident they knew how to maintain it.