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Accessibility is a key part of the new CQC assessment framework, which ensures that care providers communicate effectively with all individuals, whatever their needs. The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) is a key guideline here, focusing on making information accessible to everyone, especially those with disabilities. 

Here’s a simple guide to these requirements and how our care quality consultants can help you meet them through our mock CQC inspections.

What is the Accessible Information Standard?

The Accessible Information Standard makes sure that people with disabilities get information in a way they can understand and have access to communicating with their care providers effectively. The main points are as follows.

  1. Identify communication needs – Find out and document what communication needs your service users have, such as needing information in large print or braille.
  2. Provide accessible formats – Ensure information is available in formats that meet these needs, like large print, audio or braille.
  3. Ensure effective communication – Train staff to communicate effectively with those who have specific needs, including using aids like interpreters.

These steps are crucial for creating an inclusive and responsive care environment, but they can be challenging to manage without proper preparation.

How our mock CQC inspections can help

Understanding and meeting the CQC’s accessibility requirements can be complex. That’s where our Mock CQC inspections come in. There are 4 key ways we can support your care business.

  1. Thorough review of current practices – Our Mock CQC inspections involve a detailed review of how you handle accessibility. We’ll check your procedures for identifying and addressing communication needs, assess how you provide information in accessible formats, and look at how well your staff are trained. This helps identify any areas that need improvement and ensures you meet the CQC’s standards.
  2. Finding and fixing gaps – During the mock inspection, we’ll spot any gaps in your accessibility practices. We provide clear recommendations to address these issues, helping you make the necessary changes to improve your service delivery and be ready for the actual CQC inspection.
  3. Training and guidance – Effective staff training is key to meeting accessibility requirements. We offer guidance and support to help your team understand and implement effective communication strategies and accessible formats, ensuring a more inclusive care environment.
  4. Experience a realistic inspection – Our Mock CQC inspections simulate the real CQC inspection process, giving you a realistic preview of what to expect. This helps your team get familiar with the inspection process, reduce anxiety, and make any necessary adjustments before the actual inspection.

Why choose a mock CQC inspection?

Looking at your care business with fresh eyes can be tough when you’re deeply involved in its day-to-day operations. A mock CQC inspection brings in an unbiased expert who can easily identify issues you might overlook. But we don’t stop at just inspecting and reporting. Our comprehensive services include partnering with your team to build a solid quality framework and implement practical policies and procedures that drive meaningful improvements. By uncovering areas for improvement, offering insights from seasoned CQC inspectors, ensuring you meet the latest standards, and guiding you towards a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ rating, we help set your care business up for lasting success.

Get in touch 

Ready to ensure your care business excels in the CQC inspection?

Contact us or give us a call at 01704 808164 to learn more about how we can support your journey towards providing high-quality, accessible care.