Case Studies

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authorSmall Care Home Group
portrait happy mid adult woman embracing her senior mother

When you know you’re due for a CQC inspection, living with the uncertainty of not knowing how you’ll rank can be incredibly stressful. One homecare provider had been rated as ‘requires improvement’ at their last inspection. The team had taken major steps to improve the quality of care, but didn’t know if they’d done enough.

We sent a mock CQC inspector who spent two days carrying out a full service audit. They put together a report and action plan, recognising where services were better and identifying areas that could still be improved.

medium shot couple spending time nature
group of people smiling
two old women having a cup of coffee
two women smiling
“Kata Care undertook mock inspections for all our homes. It’s been so helpful to have another pair of eyes on our services to ensure that our QA systems and processes align. We have been so pleased with Kata Care we have engaged them again for next year's inspections.”
Denise Marsh, Head of Quality Assurance

Knowing that the next real inspection was imminent, we provided support under tight timelines to make the improvements outlined in our report. Following the real inspection, the homecare provider was thrilled to achieve a ‘good’ overall rating and confident they knew how to maintain it.