Case Studies
From chaos to calm in just four weeks
When a homecare provider lost its registered manager at short notice, the owner was worried about providing continuity of care and keeping clients safe. While they had a great head for business, the owner had no hands-on care experience and had just lost the person they trusted and relied on to deliver high levels of care.
The owner turned to us for help. We advised hiring an interim manager while they focused on recruiting the perfect person. In just 24 hours, we provided a shortlist of suitable and experienced interim managers, and they appointed one to start work the following week.
With the interim manager handling the care side of the business, the owner was free to focus on recruitment. Our expert also offered support and advice to help them find the right person for the job, and over the next four weeks the homecare provider found not just its new registered manager, but a number of great new care staff to add to its team.